How to use the Applied Inquiry Cycle to monitor Felidae in El Salvador
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scientific method

How to Cite

Girón, L. (2024). How to use the Applied Inquiry Cycle to monitor Felidae in El Salvador. Revista Minerva: Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal of the Universidad De El Salvador, 7(2), 35–44.


Applied science is the process of testing alternative management guidelines in our environment. In El Salvador, at the initiative of non-governmental and government organizations, a National Feline Conservation Program has been created. Therefore, it is important to select the appropriate method to design, collect data, reflect and apply the knowledge gained from field research. The Applied Inquiry Cycle facilitates the design of field studies that can help in the conservation of the wild Felid species of El Salvador. The Inquiry Cycle begins with a Working Question that explicitly and clearly indicates the key elements of the Action design, which facilitates Pondering, which leads to Application. The method is designed so that not only scientists, biologists, or ecologists design and carry out their investigations, but also it is available to a variety of other audiences, such as school students, park rangers, and other stakeholders who are important for the conservation of natural resources.
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