Complex Thinking: The Rhizome to Characterize Nutrition Students
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complex thinking
rhizomatic methodology
training process

How to Cite

Gallegos-López, B. I. (2024). Complex Thinking: The Rhizome to Characterize Nutrition Students. Revista Minerva: Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal of the Universidad De El Salvador, 7(3), 67–79.


University education is a process of interaction of various elements in a multi-dimensional unit, which contributes to the development of complex thinking. Because of this, it was  decided to explore the manifestation of complex thinking based on the speeches of nutrition students at the University of El Salvador during the year 2022. The rhizomatic methodology was  considered. As a result, a natural and recurrent manifestation of the principles was  found systemic, autonomy-dependency and dialogic. Another important assessment is the need to teach knowledge: the human condition, the blindness of knowledge, earthly identity, uncertainty and understanding. In conclusion, there are inadequacies of the students in terms of being aware of the mechanisms that put these principles of complex thinking on the pedagogical scene, despite their semantic, systematic, and repetitive use.
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