History of occupational therapy in El Salvador
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Occupational therapy
El Salvador
professional development

How to Cite

López Villalta, J. Y. (2024). History of occupational therapy in El Salvador. Revista Minerva: Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal of the Universidad De El Salvador, 7(4), 45–54. https://doi.org/10.5377/revminerva.v7i4.19266


Introduction: The understanding of the professional identity of the Salvadoran Occupational Therapy professional constitutes a good reason to conduct a study on the emergence and evolution of Occupational Therapy in El Salvador, in this study we describe the background, development and current status; making a journey from the pioneers in the beginning of the discipline, the beginnings of the training of professionals in this discipline, until the conformation of the professional association; contextualizing with some of the historical and social processes that made possible and boosted the development of the profession. Objective: To make an approach to the historical context that has defined the professional identity of the Salvadoran occupational therapist. Methods: The historical method, documentary analysis and in-depth interview were used. Results: the main historical facts that determined the development and identity of Occupational Therapy professionals in El Salvador are shown, as well as their fields and areas of action. Conclusion: The current need to promote training and specialization in the discipline, regulate professional practice and improve integration among occupational therapists is identified.

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