This essay recognizes the problem of pregnancy in adolescents under 15 years of age, related to sexual abuse and violence, from different perspectives: anthropological, preconceptional risk, clinical-epidemiological behavior, teachers’ perceptions and public policies. The insufficient attention to sexual and reproductive health in educational environments is highlighted, revealing a frequently ignored problem. The analysis of anthropological conditions and preconception risk shows a lack of knowledge about sexuality and contraception among adolescents, exposing them to sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. Exposure to sexual violence, especially in girls under 15 years of age, is associated with serious physical and psychological consequences, increasing preconception risk. At the clinical-epidemiological level, there is a high frequency of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, affecting maternal and neonatal health, as well as educational and employment opportunities. The perceptions of teachers indicate a lack of specific data on their perspective on forced child pregnancy, highlighting the need to improve educational strategies and establish effective communication channels between social actors involved. In terms of public policies, the importance of the Protocol for School Permanence of Pregnant Girls and Adolescents and the need for continuous evaluations to ensure its effective implementation are emphasized. The conclusions underline the importance of synergies between educational quality, prevention of early pregnancy and promotion of gender equality, highlighting the need for effective responses from the education sector together with other actors to address adolescent pregnancy by strengthening educational policies, teacher training and intersectoral partnerships.
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