Notes on the diet of wild cat species in the San Carlos Cacahuatique Natural Protected Area, El Salvador
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How to Cite

Pineda, L., Cruz Guerra, G. N., Pérez Guerra, E. M., & Gómez Luna, J. S. (2024). Notes on the diet of wild cat species in the San Carlos Cacahuatique Natural Protected Area, El Salvador. Revista Minerva: Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal of the Universidad De El Salvador, 7(2), 75–83.


This article is part of the strategies of the National Feline Conservation Program of El Salvador, which consists of carrying out different research on the distribution of felines and their prey, this article is based on the results obtained during the first year of operation of the phototrapping station in the Natural Protected Area "San Carlos" Cacahuatique in the department of Morazán. with the aim of evidencing the presence, activity and feeding of felines, among other ethological information; With this, photographic and videographic evidence of the diet of the species of wild felines present in the area was obtained, among which species of the family Didelphidae, Procyonids, Erethizontidae, Cervidae and the order Rodentia are listed, in this way the phototrapping station is generating important information for the conservation of these species and the health of the ecosystems. With the 37 camera traps strategically located in streams, trails, burrows and places with potential feline presence characteristics, this has enriched the existing information in these areas that have been identified by the technical and resource saving team of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.
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