National Feline Conservation Program: two years of implementation
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national program
feline conservation
wild cat

How to Cite

Guerra , N., Pineda, L., & Linares , A. (2024). National Feline Conservation Program: two years of implementation. Revista Minerva: Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal of the Universidad De El Salvador, 7(2), 5–8.


The PNCF has been defined for a duration of 10 years, and seeks the collaboration and participation of various actors and institutions for its proper execution, with the primary objective of being the instrument that guides the implementation of actions and strategies necessary for conservation, to mitigate or reduce the threats not only of the only four species of felines, which are still reported in El Salvador, but also of their habitats, thus achieving healthy populations. All this with the active involvement and joint work of various institutions and key actors of society.
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